Sunday, May 01, 2005

dear mike

I want to thank you for your valuable rantings. I had a pressing question and you dragged yourself away from work just long enough to answer.

I said you didn't have to encourage me and boy you really flew with that one. In fact, you did so well that I was in tears seconds after hanging up. But you know, that's why I love you. You always present a case so wholely that it looks closed. You almost had me believing that there really was no way out. That people who can't, teach. Well, that's so not true. I realized that I was only looking at the perspective of someone who had quit teaching. Someone who had tried and failed and then given up. I'm not going to do that to my students. I love them and I don't want to ever leave them in the situations some of them are in without hope.

You're right. There are those students, parents, and administrations who fight tooth and nail against any good thing a teacher tries to implement. But that's not the whole picture. There are those who glow when they talk about teaching. Because it's about the kids. They are what's going to keep me motivated.

P.S. This is why I was never good at comebacks.



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