Thursday, June 23, 2005


I just lost all motivation last night. Any passion or enthusiasm I had for getting stuff done this summer just fizzled and died. Not that I had much to begin with really. For most people in the summer this would not mean much. Summer's when you can have no motivation. For a college kid anyway its a time of doing nothing for three months.

This morning when I woke up that feeling of emptiness was still there. I had nothing to get up for, really. Nothing to look forward to in the day. I was seriously considering skipping it. Routine and maybe something else, however, got me up and into chapel. Matthew 28-30 was the text for the message. Dr. Bork spoke about how God loves each one of us and how we should have passion for all that we do. No matter if we are a teacher, student, business person, or whatever. We have the most incredible reason to get up in the morning. We know that Christ loves us so much that he died for us so that we wouldn't have to pay the price for our sin. Then he rose, conquering death so that we could live with him eternally.

With a reason like that we should be jumping out of bed. Eager to begin the day and share this reason with those around us. The situation I happen to be in isn't spectacular, I hope it will end soon. But until it does I am here and there are people around me who don't know what Christ has done for them. God has charged me to tell others about the Gospel and waiting for the perfect 'time' and 'place', if they even exist at all, is absurd. It's like saying you'll start that big life change...tomorrow. Now is the time to start. How can we keep knowledge like this to ourselves?

Lord of glory, you have bought us
With your lifeblood as the price,
Never grudging for the lost ones
That tremendous sacrifice;
And with that have freely given
Blessings countless as the sand
To th'unthankful and the evil
With your own unsparing hand.


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