Tuesday, August 23, 2005

glory? or the cross?

You know what? Everything may seem to be going wrong in my life at the moment. I am scrambling to get three summer classes finished, my car broke in the Wal-Mart parking lot and I had to get it towed, new classes are already starting to pile up, I won't be able to go to my Bible study this semester which is the last semester I would have been able to go, a few relationships have possibilities of becoming quite strained, and I was forced to quit a job that I actually enjoyed. Sunday night was not a happy night for me. Oh, and I went to a placement meeting tonight that just reiterated my desire of never wanting to teach, or graduate for that matter but that's another whole ballpark.

Tonight, when I would normally be in Moulds' Bible study, I was sitting for two hours in a stuffy room learning about the Lutheran doctrine. Fortunately the professor is a very dynamic speaker and is one of my favorites. Thus I experienced a little bit of vive voce tonight that helped. We talked about the distinction between Law and Gospel and came across the pair spiritual blindness/wisdom. I Corinthians 2:14,15 explains God's wisdom and man's blindness and incapableness to understand what He is doing. We also talked about when people go through unhappy times in their lives. A theology of glory is very popular among many people today. "If I'm a good Christian, then God will reward me with money and no troubles." If Christ, God's own son, did everything perfect (he loved and trusted God) and still died on the cross, how can anyone expect to get better treatment from this world? God takes things away from us in order to strengthen our trust in Him. To help us become more like Him.

While all these crappy things might be happening to me, I still have confidence that Christ loves me and died for me. I'm not getting punished for something bad I did. I'm getting shaped to be like Christ.


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