Monday, December 12, 2005


Sometimes you have to just let it go. Sometimes there's really nothing you can do to make the situation any better, it just has to be crappy. Because that's the way the world works. That's the way life is. That's what sin does to us. It takes anything in our lives and twists it around into something barely recognizable. Sin marrs everything it touches.

Some people are content with that. Some people are ok with the mediocre. I'm not. I know that we weren't made to die. I know that God has mercy. Without that I think I would have killed myself by now. Why live in a world with no hope, no future? Thank God I have both.

I've never been very agile at rolling with the punches. I don't like that kind of change. Unfortunately it just happens to be a big part of my life right now so I'll have to learn how to wrestle.


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