Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Thank You

You know how everyone has those bleh days where things just aren't quite right? It isn't like having an awful day where your favorite pants rip, you spill grape juice on a white shirt, and you're late for class only to find out that you failed the quiz given the day before. No, this kind of day starts the moment you wake up and the air just doesn't smell as fresh and promising as it usually does. Something is out of place but it is so tiny that you can't find out what it is. Kind of like having a sliver in your hand. It is small but it hurts big and is so hard to get out.

These kinds of days just frustrate me to no end. Mostly because I can't figure out whats different or why things just feel crooked. On a bleh day I find myself doing things wrong and being awful to the people in my life that I love the most. Then I get even madder because I do it but I don't want to apologize and that adds another level of frustration at myself that I just bottle up inside and slowly simmer.

On my most recent bleh day I happened to run across a poem that really made me stop and think about everything that I have been blessed with. Sure everyone will have bad days. They're inevitable. For me, anyway. But that doesn't mean that I should stop praising God for all that He has given and just focus on poor me. I am surrounded by beautiful people and amazing opportunities and this poem by Brod Baggart helped me remember just how blessed I am.

The Thank-you Poem

Thank you for another day,
To love
To work
To worship
And to play.
Thank you for these heartbeats,
This breath,
These precious hours.
Help me give light like your sun...
And receive it like your flowers.


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