wow it has really gotten nice around here lately. I love the temperatures. It makes me want to take long walks at night since I am in a very safe place. I like to walk whenever I need to think. It gets me away from people which tend to not mix well when I am in a thinking mood. It also gives me opportunity to have quiet so that I can pray. God knows I haven't been keeping up my end lately.
Speaking of thinking, though, one thing that has been on my mind lately is friendship. It is interesting to look around and see what people's definition of friendship is. It is kind of like that 5 love languages-thing. Although, I'm not entirely sure I agree with that. You can't just come up with a solution and be happy the rest of your life. But I've noticed how, for lack of a better word at the moment, seriously people take their friendships with the people around them. There are those who will look you in the eye when you pass and ask you how you are doing and you know that they are not just saying it because it's the accepted norm when you pass someone you know to ask that. No, they really care and you know it. There are those who ask you how you are doing and by the time you answer are 3 yards past you and have most likely forgotten you. Now, I'm not saying that these last people are bad. I have often done this and I am trying not to lately. Because I've discovered that it really cheapens the words you say. Repitition may be good for memorization but it isn't when people know you're just saying it out of habit.
I happen to be one of those 'you spend time with the people you care about' people. I know what it's like to be taken advantage of and I don't want my friends to feel like they are only important when I am having a bad day and need someone to talk to..or when I am having a good day. Neglect can make people feel like they are forgotten and not wanted. Once again..first-hand experience. I am only going by what I know and probably don't have all the sides of the box so if someone has comments..feel free. I don't like making judgements without knowing all the angles.
A lots of friends are fine with this and sometimes understand. But not everyone is a saint. Some time or other they need to know that the friendship is still there. They need to have you look them in the eye and really care about their answer. Listen to the words they say. Really listen. "Words, like Nature, half reveal And half conceal the Soul within." Tennyson knew how to listen. I think people today talk too much. We are all concerned about what "I" have to say and what "my" opinion is. This wraps us up so much that we forget there are other people in the universe without loud voices. People who need our help. Friends who need our love. Learn how to listen.